naşterea zilei
naşterea zilei
ce frumos se aud dimineaţa cântând printre blocuri cocoşii
cu mult înainte ca soarele să răsară apoi corul de păsări din
platani rândunici vrăbii guguştiuci şi undeva în depărtare în
pădurice singuraticul cuc o simfonie despre facerea zilei o
simfonie despre facerea lumii dar asta se-ntâmplă doar în
cartierul meu rezidenţial cu blocuri şi case de pe vremea lui
muschong unde se face ziuă cu mult înainte ca soarele să
răsară cu mult înainte ca soarele să răsară de după dealul
viilor lumina creşte încet se luminează lent lumea se face
se reface în fiecare dimineaţă îmi spune vecinul din blocul
cinci care tocmai a ieşit să ude florile gladiole roşii ca focul
roşii ca sângele ca steagurile comuniste moment în care
dinspre oraş apar ciorile vin cârduri-cârduri vin croncănind
vin şi se aşează pe crengile platanului meu şi cerul pe loc
se întunecă şi platanul verde se face negru şi toate păsările
fug speriate care-ncotro dar toată cioroiada asta ca un cânt
funebru nu durează decât trei minute până când răsare
soarele până când răsare soarele peste dealul viilor peste
valea morţii atunci toate ciorile fug speriate fug spre apus
alungate de razele lui razele soarelui şi ziua după ele
la 7 izvoare
la 7 izvoare
„pe sub sălcii umbroase curge cerna cuminte curg iubirile noastre
suferinţele curg” iată-mă din nou pe malul cernei iată-mă din nou la
herculane pe malul râului care l-a fascinat pe poetul sabin opreanu
omul acestor munţi minunaţi neschimbaţi care par că depun mărturie
că nu toate trec că nu pier toate că întotdeauna rămâne ceva din tot
sufletul ştie mai bine cum stă treaba n-are rost să intrăm în detalii
n-are rost să întrebăm ce ştie sufletul dacă ştie ceva când vine când
pleacă de ce vine de ce pleacă sau alte tâmpenii din astea e treaba lui
mai bine hai să ne însufleţim hai să ne trăim viaţa hai să ne trăim pe noi
înşine înainte să ne trăiască alţii înainte să trăiască alţii în locul nostru
viaţa noastră singura ce ni s-a dat acest dar dumnezeiesc irepetabil
acest dar dumnezeiesc nepreţuit numai dumnezeu ştie cât face numai
dumnezeu ştie am văzut oameni cu bani care n-ar da doi bani pe viaţă
am văzut oameni care trăiesc fără viaţă şi am văzut morţi care încă trăiesc
între aceşti munţi plini de viaţă printre aceşti munţi mai înalţi decât viaţa
o iau în sus spre cele şapte izvoare o iau în sus ca odinioară isus
şi privesc ca un om al apei ce sunt ca un om al soarelui al cerului
şi al pământului privesc de sus soarele privesc de sus pământul
şi cerul şi apa curgerea asta nestăvilită „pe sub sălcii umbroase
curge cerna cuminte curg iubirile noastre suferinţele curg”
Elisabeta Boţan m-a tradus în español. Iată:
sólo para ver como se eleva a los cielos
ay la ciénaga donde el hombre persiste ay
a ti mi amor oculto te estoy suplicando
más allá del río que se llama olvido
llévame allá amor y suena de resurrección
eon I
întâlnire cu zeul glasul său mai puternic ca tunetul
m-a trezit de din somnul cel negru al morţii
şi fulgerul său o clipă mi-a luminat
în depărtare calea
atât cât să văd cum se înalţă la ceruri
sufletul şi cum se pogoară
solie spre o lume pierdută
vai mlaştina-n care stăruie omul şi vai
pentru multele sale păcate
dragostea mea tăinuită eu ţie mă rog
du-mă departe departe departe
dincolo de râul ce se cheamă uitare
am visat o câmpie-nflorită cu crini
o întindere mai albă ca spuma
mării ce urcă-n înalturi
acolo dragoste du-mă şi sună de înviere
să se deştepte îngerii şi sună de întâlnire cu zeul hai sună
la escena sin nombre que viste de gala los cuerpos
con sus verdes llamas y olorosas grandes llamas
ella siempre recuerda las fechorías
y parte a arderles en fuegos de gehena
oh alma redimida mira
han sido justos los presagios
del santo entre santos
mira ahora vuelve el céfiro
y el alba se nos revela
eon II
căci dreaptă a fost dreaptă chiar moartea
în priveliştea fără nume ce trupuri înveşmântă
cu verzile-i flăcări şi văpăi miresmate
ea care aminteşte mereu fărădelegile
şi-n focuri de gheenă purcede să le ardă
o suflete răscumpărat priveşte
au fost drepte vestirile
celui sfânt între sfinţi
acum iată se-ntoarce zefirul
şi zori de ziuă nouă se arată
y la aurora llegaba sonriendo con grandes cuadrillas de ángeles
detrás se despertaban una tras otra abriendo
las puertas del paraíso
que entre el sabio aquel que es sin pecado
el más grande de los cantores y que entre el justo
pero antes que el alto se enalteciese
y antes que el hondo se ahondase
han sido reluciendo en la memoria el blanco
el eternamente vivo e invencible
señal que el tiempo vuelve a en tiempo
y es necesario el amor de una sola palabra
para que todo empiece desde el principio
tal como fue escrito otra vez el desierto
como en una visión que se llena de sol
de cantos y flores
eon III
şi aurora venea surâzând şi mari cete de îngeri
în urmă-i se deşteptau una câte una deschizând
porţile paradisului
să intre înţeleptul şi cel fără de prihană
mai marele cântăreţilor şi dreptul să intre
însă mai înainte ca înaltul să se înalţe
şi mai înainte ca adâncul să se adâncească
au fost strălucind în memorie albul
cel pururea viu şi nebiruitul
semn că vremea se întoarce în vreme
şi e nevoie de dragoste de un singur cuvânt
pentru ca totul să o ia de la capăt
după cum a fost scris iară pustiul
ca într-o vedenie să se umple de soare
de cânturi de flori
luego pasé al otro lado
del cielo y en seguida eché
raíces de santidad
tan profundo que la eternidad -sentí
como sube en mí con la sangre
de una vida más pura
dentro de mí estaba el amor todopoderoso
iluminando de tal modo lo de fuera
como para verse desde las grandes lejanías
mi soledad
y quién
quizás solamente el ojo de agua
vuelto hacia sí viese alguna imagen
de mi eternidad
y solo por un instante luego otra vez la señal
y el don y los misterios
aún más ocultos
eon IV
apoi am trecut de cealaltă parte
a cerului şi am prins de îndată
rădăcini în sfinţenie
atât de adânc încât veşnicia - am simţit
cum urcă în mine laolaltă cu sângele
unei vieţi mai curate
era iubirea în lăuntrul meu atotputernică
pre cele din afară luminându-le astfel
încât să se vadă la mari depărtări
dar cine
poate doar ochiul de apă
întors către sine să fi zărit vreo imagine
a pururei mele
şi numai o clipă apoi iarăşi însemnul
şi harul şi tainele
tot mai mult tăinuite
más allá de las palabras en la patria sin par
de las hadas allí una nueva luz
amanece y el corazón el corazón del mundo
empieza a cantar
con todos los seres reunidos a su lado en la adoración
la patria semejante a la patria y aún así invisible
allí los todopoderosos céfiros traen instantes de paz
y fragancias de azucenas rodean el siglo los colores
se convierten en músicas el baile inmóvil
de las esferas
allí te espero ven jardines colgantes
aparecen allí cómo en un sueño todo lo que perdiste
allí lo entronerarás ven
ola tras ola con el mar que asciende
directamente al cielo
habrá un nuevo nacimiento la alegría
que jamás rozaste será tu cuna allí
y todos los seres estarán a tu lado
reunidos en la adoración y será tu verdadera
patria e invisible siempre
eon V
dincolo de cuvinte în patria fără de seamăn
a zânelor acolo o nouă lumină
răsare şi inima inima lumii
cu toate fiinţele-n preajmă unite întru adorare
începe să cânte
patrie asemenea patriei şi totuşi nevăzută
acolo atotputernici zefiri poartă clipe de pace
şi miresme de crini împrejmuie veacul se preschimbă
în muzici culorile un dans al sferelor
acolo te aştept vino acolo grădini suspendate
ca într-un vis se ivesc tot ce-ai pierdut
acolo vei regăsi vino
val după val cu marea ce urcă
de-a dreptul în cer
va fi ca o naştere nouă bucuria
ce nicicând n-ai atins-o acolo leagăn îţi va fi
şi vor fi toate fiinţele-n preajmă
întru adorare unite şi va fi patria ta
adevărată şi mereu nevăzută
un cuarto de siglo con los vientos alborotando la juventud
la tristeza sale a la luz con sonidos de campanas
y lágrimas
dónde se fueron los años cargados de despreocupación
donde se fueron las chicas caminando desnudas por los guijarros
aquellas que me atraparon en las redes de amor
y me ataron y luego me perdieron
entre palabras
tú agua corriente que jamás te detienes
en una orilla que se viene abajo ahora llegan las hechiceras
qué quieren
ya nada es posible el pasado entero
una fragancia el futuro un misterio y el día
de hoy apenas transita la oscuridad
qué quieren la esperanza está arriba y la felicidad
lejos en la otra orilla y nadie
pero nadie la ve
y los ahogados flotan de espalda en el río fúnebre
eon VI
pătrar de veac şi vânturi răvăşind o tinereţe
iese tristeţea în lumină cu sunete de clopot
şi cu lacrimi
unde s-au dus împovăraţi de nepăsare anii
unde fetele păşind goale pe prundişuri
ce-n mreje ale dragostei m-au prins
şi m-au legat şi m-au pierdut apoi
printre cuvinte
apă curgătoare tu nu te opreşti nicicând
pe un mal ce se surpă vin acum ursitoarele
ce vor
nimic nu mai e cu putinţă trecutul întreg
o mireasmă viitorul mister şi ziua
de azi străbate cu greu întunericul
ce vor nădejdea e sus iar fericirea
departe pe celălat mal dar nimeni
nu-l vede
şi înecaţii fac pluta pe râul funebru
estás tan lejos amada mía y tan cerca
entre nosotros no cabe ninguna hoja caída ningún segundo
nos separa estás tan lejos y tan cerca
de la vida de la muerte que la inmortalidad se divide en dos
cogí la hoja caída y en brote la transformé
cogí el segundo y lo transformé en milenios cogí
la vida y la muerte y las volví una con tu amor
y he recreado el paraíso con tu amor
que tu amor duré para siempre
que tu amor te ilumine
porque nada puede hacerse
sin tu amor
nada existe
sin tu amor
eşti atât de departe de mine iubito chiar dacă-ntre noi nu încape
nicio frunză căzută chiar dacă nicio secundă nu ne desparte eşti
atât de departe de mine atât de departe de viaţă de moarte atât de
departe iubito că nici nemurirea la doi nu se mai poate împarte
am luat frunza căzută şi n-am mai putut s-o preschimb într-un mugur
fără dragostea ta am luat secunda şi n-am mai putut s-o preschimb
în milenii fără dragostea ta am luat viaţa şi moartea de unul singur
le-am luat şi n-am mai ştiut ce pot face cu ele fără dragostea ta
fără dragostea ta sunt atât de departe
de mine iubito eşti atât de departe de tine
suntem atât de departe unul de altul
încât nu ne mai ating nici atingerile
şi nemurirea e atât de departe
fără dragostea ta
Iată şi un scurt poem tradus în germană de Anton Potche:
Die Schwimmlinie
Aus zauberhaften Tiefen
werde ich bald
an die Oberfläche steigen
wie der Schiffbrüchige
der in gen Himmel ausgestreckter Hand
sein eigenes Leben hält.
Linia de plutire
Din adâncuri feerice
voi ieşi în curând
la suprafaţã
ca naufragiatul
care-n mâna întinsã spre cer
îşi ţine propria viaţã
Și tot în germană, un poem în proză tradus de Daniela Radu:
să te trezești dimineața și să vezi biserica albă albe blocurile din jur albă parcarea și mașinile toate albe și cireșul de lângă biserică acoperit de zăpadă mai alb ca biserica albă să-l vezi apoi înflorind și albind sakura hanami să-l vezi cum își scutură florile albe pe aleile albe florile roz pe aleile roz florile roșii pe aleile roșii seva să i-o vezi cum urcă în ramuri în frunze în fruct
în fructele încă verzi pe care le mâncam în copilărie nerăbdători să mai așteptăm vremea coacerii vremea înroșirii vremea roșie spui să le vezi cum se-nroșesc pe o parte apoi pe cealaltă să vezi cum se-nroșește cireșul întreg cireșul verde altădată să-i vezi frunzele apoi îngălbenind cum se scutură frunzele galbene pe aleile galbene frunzele galbene pe aleile galbene și
și să-l vezi apoi desfrunzit uitat părăsit lângă biserica părăsită în timp ce pui dulceață de cireșe pe clătitele fierbinți în timp ce îți spui că e un miracol ce vezi dar să vezi atâtea într-o singură zi într-o singură clipă e mai mult decât o minune în fine se face seară se face târziu și te culci și visezi un cireș înflorit un cireș înflorit într-o biserică albă în al cincilea anotimp
Morgens aufzuwachen und die weiße Kirche die umliegende weißen Blöcke der Parkplatz weiß und alle Autos weiß und der Kirschbaum neben der Kirche mit Schnee bedeckt weißer als die weiße Kirche zu sehen, dann Ihn blühend zu sehen und weiß werden Sakura Hanami zu sehen wie er seine weiße Blüten auf den weißen Gassen die rosa Blüten auf den rosa Gassen die roten Blüten auf den roten Gassen fallen lässt wie seine Saft in den Ästen in den Blättern in der Frucht steigt zu sehen
in die noch grünen Früchte die wir als Kinder ungeduldig aßen ohne die Reifezeit die Röte-Zeit abzuwarten die rote Zeit sagst du um zu sehen wie die auf der einen Seite dann auf der andere rot werden um zu sehen wie der ganze Kirschbaum der ehemals grün war rot wird um dann zu sehen wie die Blätter gelb werden wie die gelben Blätter auf den gelben Gassen fallen die gelben Blätter auf den gelben Gassen und
und dann ihn blattlos vergessen verlassen in der Nähe der verlassenen Kirche zu sehen während du Kirschkonfitüre auf heißer Pfannkuchen drauftust während du dir sagst das das was du siehst ein Wunder ist, aber so viele an einem einzigen Tag in einem einzigen Moment zu sehen mehr als ein Wunder ist es wird schließlich Abend es wird spät und du schläfst und träumst einen blühenden Kirschbaum einen Kirschbaum der in einer weißen Kirche in der fünften Jahreszeit blüht
Am și în limba maghiară un poem tradus de Király Zoltán:
tainic răsună orologiul acum
când răstignitul
de pe cruce coboară
din turlele mănăstirii răzbate
un glas îngeresc
şi străinul se-nfruptă
din sfintele taine.
titokzatosan felcsendül a toronyóra
mikor a keresztrefeszített
leereszkedik a feszületről
a kolostor tornyai közül
angyali hang hatol át
és az idegen megszegi a böjtöt
a szent rejtélyen át.
10 sonete de nota 10, traduse în engleză de Ela Iakab:
its traits. wrinkles wrinkles wrinkles and a body that in dust
was returning. it is time - it said. it is time. glances never being glanced before. glances
never being encountered before. And the void the void the void filled with my dispair.
Iar aici o „miniepistolă”, tradusă în engleză tot de Ela Iakab:
miniepistole (12)
bine sunt de acord că sufletul cântăreşte douăzecişiuna de grame
că are aripi că seamănă cu un înger dar cum rămâne cu cel rău cu
cel bun cu cel fără de suflet despre asta ştiinţa nu ne spune nimic
nici eu nu ţi-aş spune iubito câte grame cântăreşti în sufletul meu
câte tone dragostea mea că abia o pot duce cum să-ţi spun eu
te iubesc în grame în metri în grade în litri când singura unitate
de măsură a dragostei e cuvântul da e bine să ştim dar a şti nu
înseamnă a cunoaşte bine spunea socrate ştim că nu ştim nimic
ştiinţa e bună ok dar mi se rupe sufletul mi-e sufletul greu şi
negru mi-e sufletul când văd atâtea suflete tari atâtea suflete
de vânzare când văd cum omul ia sufletul omului când văd
cum omul îşi dă sufletul fără să ştie cui fără să ştie când
iar dacă sufletul cântăreşte douăzecişiuna de grame
cum spune ştiinţa cât cântăreşte ura dar iubirea cât
miniepistole (12)
all right I do agree that the soul weighs twenty one grams
that it has wings that it resembles an angel but how about the evil one
the good one the soulless one science reveals us nothing about it
I myself would not tell you, my beloved, how many grams my soul weighs
how many tones my love, so many that I can barely carry it how could I ever tell you
I love you in grams in metres in degrees in litres when the only unit of measure
for love is the word yes it is delightful to know but to know does not mean
to acquire knowledge as Socrates used to say we know that we know nothing
science is good ok but my soul tears apart my soul is heavy and
black when I see so many powerful souls so many souls
for sale when I see a human being taking the soul of another human being when I see
how a human being gives his soul to the waste knowing not for whom knowing not when
and if the soul weighs twenty one grams
as science pretends then how much hate weighs but how about love
Trei poeme din "eternelia", traduse în franceză de Valy-Christine Océany:
Il est fondateur et directeur du journal « Actualitatea » ( l’Actualité) de Lugoj.
Sa citation : “je souhaite entraîner la poésie vers le monde, et le monde vers la poésie”.
Extraits du livre de poèmes « Eternelia » édition Marineasa, Timisoara, 2006
«j’ai corrigé un peu le destin. j’ai saupoudré quelques joies sur nos jours et nos nuits. je vous ai laissé goûter la sagesse d’ici. ne laissez pas refroidir la volonté en vous. ne laissez pas l’amour se glacer. je vous montrerai le chemin. je vous accompagnerai. je veillerai sur vous. venez voir la lumière au bout de la nuit. montez la montagne. regardez le roc. soyez ainsi dans le tumulte de votre temps». pag. 11
„am corectat puţin destinul. am presărat câteva bucurii peste zilele şi nopţile voastre. v-am dat să gustaţi din înţelepciunea de aici. nu lăsaţi să se răcească în voi voinţa. nu lăsaţi să îngheţe iubirea. vă voi arăta drumul. vă voi însoţi. vă voi veghea. veniţi să vedeţi lumina de la capătul nopţii. urcaţi muntele. priviţi stânca. aşa să fiţi voi în vâltoarea timpului vostru”. pag. 11
„ca întotdeauna când e vorba de dorinţe, mai întâi trebuie să fii. nu poţi avea dacă nu eşti. şi dacă eşti, ţi-e suficient să fii. pentru că fiinţa are totul. şi totul e supus fiinţei. nu invers. niciodată invers. din această clipă ai totul. totul se află la picioarele tale. pentru că eşti cu adevărat. cu e mare. pentru că numai tu eşti. cu t mare. vezi ce simplu e?” pag. 10
„ştiu că tu ştii cine sunt. dar lasă-mă să văd cine eşti. după atâtea disertaţii filozofice abia dacă te zăresc prin ferestrele rugăciunilor mele. şi iarăşi lucrul în sine. din sine prin sine pentru sine. pe muntele înţelepţilor. cel mai înalt. tu eşti. cel mai puternic. cel adevărat. şi tu ştii asta. ştiu că tu ştii. că tu eşti. şi mai presus de toate eşti tu. stăpânitorul a toate.” pag. 57
Înainte de a vă prezenta volumul „Eternelia”, pe care l-a tradus în engleză Denisa Grega,
iată un sonet din „iubirea nu bate la ușă”, tot în traducerea ei:
să-ţi spun puţinele cuvinte care merită a fi spuse
înainte ca sufletul să-şi înalţe pânzele cum spunea seferis
dumnezeu să-l ierte sau să-ţi spun da timpul înaintează drept
iar dragostea vertical şi ori se rup în două ori nu s-au întâlnit niciodată
cum spunea elytis dumnezeu să-l ierte şi pe el
dar iată vine seneca şi-mi spune vrei să fii iubit iubeşte
iar eu care te-am iubit toată viaţa toată moartea fără speranţa
de a fi iubit vreodată vin şi te-ntreb unde e iubirea ta unde surâsul tău
şi unde buzele tale unde sunt poeţii care te-au iubit
şi te-au cântat te-au nemurit unde sunt unde eşti în viaţă
e mai bine să iubeşti decât să fii iubit spunea cineva căruia i-am uitat
numele doamne iartă-mă doamne iartă-i pe toţi şi nu uita niciodată
puţinele cuvinte care merită a fi spuse
aceste atât de puţine cuvinte te iubesc
let me tell you the few words that are worth to be told
before the soul would rise it’s ship rags like seferis used to tell
may god forgive him or let me tell you but time runs straight ahead
and love goes vertically and they either break in two parts or these two never met
like elytis used to tell may god forgive him too
but look here comes seneca and tells me if you want to be loved love first
and i who have loved you for my entire life and for my entire death without the hope
of ever being loved i come and ask you where is your love and your smile
and where are your lips where are the poets that loved you
and sang about you and immortalized you where am i where are you in life
it’s much better to love than to be loved said someone whose name i forgot
may god forgive me may god forgive them all and never forget
the few words worth to be uttered
these so few words i love you
* * *
born under lucky stars. somebody high above watched over me. with a firm hand guided me. to reach the point until here. surely my purpose in this world was decided long ago. my purpose: to impregnate this world with my happiness. the dawns that will come. with a goblet of dew i will reach forward. with a contagious half smile. whenever and wherever. from now on and forever.
* * *
how can you not say that you’re happy when you love. but when you are loved. i know. you want to jump up high and share your joy on the streets. likewise it is the lottery. when you have all the winning numbers and have won a fabulous prize. have the posession of a last model car. have a luxurious house by the seaside. and you consume your fantasy hollidays on an exotic island. with gorgiastic girls.
* * *
like a sunrise nearby the sea. this is the way my life is. like a splendour that is given to you. everything that brings joy to the eyes and soul. patience, reader. we will definetly go even high. like the sun. like him we will light everything. and you will find the treasures hidden here. Just for you. you will fiind happiness. just for you. to tame the environment. to awake to life, joy, to singing.
* * *
how mush happiness goes into one soul? and if I call myself happy does my happiness grow at once with you? i wish it could be this way. i think it will be like this. when you go up the marble stairs. when you sit down at the desk. when by the window the sun sallutes you. when all people smile back at you. when you make a phonecall. when you receive a fax that has the writing „enjoy yourself!”. isn’t this the way happiness is?
* * *
when you go near the steering wheel and the car smells of lavender. and in the right there is your lover. when you go up on the mountains of the country and the magnificent christmas trees salute you. when your bank account grows and grows and grows. when you are healthy. in love. when you are loved. when everything goes right. when you want desperately something and before you know it, it ticks accomplished. this is happiness.
* * *
like always when we talk about wishes, first of all you have to be. you can not have unless you are. and if you are, it is enough to be. because the being has it all. everything is submissive to the being. and not invert. never invert. from this moment on you have everything. everything lays at your feet. because you are really. with major a. because only you are. with major y. see how plain it is?
* * *
i corrected a bit the fate. i left along some happiness over your days and nights. i gave you a taste of wisdom that lays here. do not let the will in you go cold. do not let love go cold. i will show you the way. i will accompany you. i will watch over you. come and see the light at the end of the night. climb up the mountain. look at the rock. likewise will you be in the wind of your time.
* * *
today i was born. with a rich imagination and some lucky stars. after the prolonged darkness- look at the light. i vanished the darkness around with the light burried inside me. a light that now is bright around me. i was born on holly land. i was born in a golden language. under this sky that is always without clouds. i was born. today. and i already talk to you about the new things that happen now.
* * *
here are some certain joys. that I can see with clarity. which I can touch with my bare hand. light. like flower petals barely open. full of dew. joy full of dew. it is lovely how the lullaby sounds all around. how beautiful does happiness smell. oh, if the new born would know how strong is the faith. if you would know how wise it is to believe with all the strength inside.
* * *
today is the day for everything. the sky and the earth and all the kind. there will be new skies and new earth for new people, the ones that exist. the old person is gone. with the sin. with the weakness of small courage. with the life without life. what is the point in thinking about what was? now that all universe is blooming so handsomely. now when all new things come to being.
* * *
seven are the petals of the flower. seven are the days of the week. bright. you can call them as you wish. monday and tuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday and saturday and sunday. you can call them bright. because being bright means that it can always be sunday. every single one is your sunday. bright. a new and ever going sunday. a feast of delighting light. and music that lights.
* * *
be glad when you can step on the ground. that feeds us. by the guiding sun be glad. by the air that we breathe and the water that cools thirst. look at the bodying joy. but there is the fifth element: love. without whitch life won’t be life. without whitch the world won’t be a world. without whitch nothing of the existing will not exist.
* * *
in the hour when birds chirp. when the mountain clears in the horizon. when the sea gives birth from the white substance a new aphrodite. when the new sun gives birth to a new day. then. Then call me and i will come. with a new song. with new words. with new joys. then call me from periods and i will come. like a new born in new born lands. singing my own lullaby.
* * *
this country is beautiful. this language. this name is beautiful. and the echo of the first word. of the first i love you. through the green grass from home. without shoes. with a smile on the lips. with the soul full of wishes. with no doubt. all will accomplish. at their time. here. here lays the wisdom of innocence that wise men lost. priceable than all world libraries.
* * *
how much i love you. oh, how much i love you. more and more. until love takes your face and becomes eternal. even love gets your name. more than this world. more than this life i love you best. in you i have everything. and everything is you. who saw you? who knows you? who can love anymore? hey, who can still love is alive. wise. and strong.
* * *
this is not a love declaration. it is a hymn. it is an ode. it is a psalm. love eternalizes. what would become of earth without love? a desert. what would the sky be without love? a wasted land. water? noah s ark. fire? a hell. but all this has a purpose. because there is love. because it exists. do not forget that.
* * *
i know you have a name. and your name echoes in the cold night through the garden trees. your name echoes in a world without ego. in a world that gives names to the other things. but lost the own name. lost hope. trust. power. oh, holly innocence of first days. and sacre nakedness of holly bodies. these are the first clothing.
* * *
everything starts now. in this very moment. here. the new world begins. now and here. new life begins. the real life. from now on you should be certain. be faithful. here is the new human. after the face and resemblance all new together. he will be your shelter. your temple. he will be your bodied word. may your light brighten the way. your hand will soothe the way. as it was written.
* * *
for who believes that this is poetry i come and say: it is not poetry. it is not epic. neither fhilosophy. neither religion. it is my law written to myself. my word directed for my inner ego. my first loneliness. can you comprehend it? can you dress it? be as same as i am and you will see. you will see how all things are made. the new. the beautiful. the non-understandable eternity.
* * *
how this millennium is not the third. how this is not the rock age. and this is not the promised land. i have to search. i have to find out. i have to be. i leave behind the feelings. leave behind the fear. and walk. walk towards myself. until I get. until I get to be. the one that i want to be. and the one i am rejoys when i look at myself. in the first morning on earth.
* * *
from the height of the spirit to look at the spirit. the greatness of it. the bigness of it. i was destined. to watch. to understand. and I believe. i believe with strength. that the greatness of the spirit lays in the underworld. in the small things that are walked on. the greatness is contained in the dew drop. in the happy tear scrolled in the crowd. in the crowd that cheries you. the greatness will it be given to be seen. it’s greatness. and from now on further. amen.
* * *
how beautiful must be the moon! how wise is the sun! and what weddin for survival! miracle springs! storytime realities! this is the day. this is the night. what a beautiful congregation of light and shadows! what a perfect match! what non-understandable understanding! until everything comes together and reverberate. when the seed of your womb becomes the most beautiful creation. an everything worthy of reality.
* * *
from afar i am the most rich man in the world. because i know. because i am. because i have. and of course i do know how to get joy from the plain beautiful sunrise. of songbird. of the colours and odours of the flowers. of the silent moves of felines and damp dance of fishes. of course i know to get joy from the silence of the starry night. and i dream of new miracles.
* * *
to be. to be in the middle of the universe. in full middle. like a tribe preacher surrounded by the adepts. of his heirs. without a specific number. to be. and look that i am the one who knows what he has. the one who knows he is. the one who knows he really is. and this is one of the greatest miracles. it is a sort of kingdom no one knows about. except you. the one who exists.
* * *
oh, how much richness in this poverty! and how much life in this desert! does no one see? does no one hear? look at the sun: to whom do you belong? i ask. the earth, moon, stars: to whom belong? to whom belong the winds, the waves? look at my answer. yours are the questions. mine is the answear. which i can not tell. i can not tell. from purely plain reasons. right as it is.
* * *
nearby the church we have a bakery. from one we get the daily everafter bread. from the other one the bread of life. some place further there is a bank. the sweat of our foreheads dressed in green paper. in this triangle we carry our living. and life is long. we figure this out when we go out for a picnic. when we go up high towards the spring of miracles. where light is born by light and the night is ragged by starring.
* * *
when you go out in the sun on a mile stone. and see aside another kind of light. when you reach the last floor of a building. and see that the utmost top is higher. or among the basics. when you have the utter most beautiful girl and do not know how to make her yours. then. then call only love. and everything that is will be redone. from your sorrow of missing towards your joy.
* * *
at the highest standards. of technique. at the highest level. of science. there where the measures are at a micro level. micro millimeters . a love declaration in a computerized language. like a stone flower in a big deep. do we have measurements for love? do we have love? let us export it. with a quality certificate. with a selling price. and the tag: made in eden.
* * *
to have the courage to succumb boundaries. to fight against yourself until you are the winner. to see much further than a man can actually see. to get alone. to be your own law. to want. to hope. to believe. and all that you see to be remade. with the mind. heart. thought. to be-yes-a new world. a world entirely yours. only then you can say i exist. undeniably.
* * *
lot of times i question myself in the morning: is it the light of the sun that brightens us? does the rotation of the earth makes us dizzy? i know. i know wise men see in the dark. i know the greeks show the way in the darkness. i know we are all drunk. but not with wine. and then? from many mornings on i wake up singing: silk light lighting/dawn of wording/bodied afternoon.
* * *
when everything around is commercialized and there is nothing else left to say. when we forget from where we come who we are and where are we going. when darkness takes in charge over humans heart and there is nothing left to do. board on the bus and visit a grass pile. salute the sky birds. count the lilies on the field. walk. sing. shout. talk by yourself and try to listen to yourself.
* * *
saturated by big cities and skyscrapers. of planes. helicopters. of buses and jeeps. of the hot road. saturated with boats and yachts. of waves. of beaches. of islands. with your millions dollars you can buy a feeling. you can adopt a tribe. a language. you can buy a country. but not wisdom. and how wise would it be. oh how wise would it be to have this mustard seed.
* * *
you will understand one day that i did love you. that i have seen you coming and that i have prayed for you. day and night. night and day. until there was light. from this mountain i stare at you. i see you coming. i will wait. i love you. if you put your hand covering the eyes i am sure you will see me too. yes. it is me. come. come up. come on. come up. and all the worlds peaks will be at your feet.
* * *
dust in the wind. so it was said by the wise man. he that has found a oasis in the desert and a spring of living water. that challenges us. but how will anyone know being in the desert and women one by one offering their pleasures on the loft by the price of eternity? oh, temptation drunkness. how to get a taste of everything? with measure. how the greeks say. how to get to peace treaty with the wiseman?
* * *
now my dear tell me if this precision of the year times if this exactity of days and of nights of months and of years influence you in a manner or other. tell me if the order was born out of disorder casualty out of discasaulty words out of non-words tell me who gives birth to who or what. or maybe you have the belief that hazard is a dizzy guy who just does whatever it pleases.
* * *
and i beg you to tell me if the sky that surrounds you from every part is the circle of time and space. what do you think? with the light of wisdom lights the stars. with the light of godness lights the sun. is it true that you are over with darkness? is it not true that light is born by light that is born by light? from light born out of light which is born by light that is born from the word.
* * *
it passed some time from when the first rays of the first sun drew your face shape. beginnings full of gods. in here you must seek the truth. in them to seek the truth. and what follows after that receives new meaning. other purposes. for the being. so you have to be! be born again! rebirth! make spring in your heart and make light around you! so you can see. and who has ears to hear, hear it.
* * *
i surely am an adept of simplicity. but some things need explanations, for better understanding. for getting it right. this is sometimes reached through things hard to understand. such as the way in which the wise gained wisdom. this is the reason why my short digressions make the poetry different. which is not poetry. but our daily life.
* * *
when you come back on earth with your feet and see that the sky is not so far away. when you walk with your head in the clouds and discover new starry worlds. when you speak a language only you can understand and wisemen get you. when love is meant to be a superpower and it’s regime is likeable. when your democratic thinking requests that dark thoughts should be killed. when you understood all these and start loving your neighbour like you love yourself.
* * *
other way to be said: every one loves life. flower of the seasons with drunking odours. but what about the other flower? rare flower with transcendent odours. from the eternal spring. every single one loves life. everyone lives it. but who gains it? who dares? to outrun the world. the mundane. the normal. to live the miracle. the chosen ones ask themselves who is the one. and the real chosen one lingers alone in a cloudy pillar.
* * *
that’s why you. the real one. hard to reach. the one to which I guide my words. prayers. that’s why you. just you. forever you. the downunder. the high above. the one around. from everywhere. that’s why you. with your greatness. with your thunder speech and whispers full of love.that’s why you. with your blue skies. with embalming odours. with seas and mountains. with the rock. and unmoveable like her.
* * *
forever you. a character hard to spot in the crowd. you. forever you. between imaginary limits without limits. in the centre of a colourful alive reality. see? philosophers made the man in pieces. without a chance of remaking. and they left him like this. inheritance. of other philosophers. but you - always you - in the crowd you are the crowd without number that comes and leaves behind the crowd.
* * *
look that i like wisemen who search wisdom. blind men who search light are not the ones that can not see. one did pulled out his eyes in order to see. wisdom? wisdom never fails. why is not there a nobel award for wisdom? or a nobel award for love? for light. for illumination. and in the great world under the clarity of moon to see how a good world gets born.
* * *
sometimes the one standing in front of me is the simple man in whole his glory. to whom i speak: make the best of yourself! reinvent yourself! here is the poem’s address: letter letter dot ro. from here forward we navigate together. on the information seas to great information. that makes us both happy. at once. if you visit our site you will be happy too. we will leave you a message. clear. concise. mysterious: hello, romania?
* * *
everything around you blooms. everything you touch comes back to life. you could be the united states president of europe. but you are more than this. and more romanian than all romanians. together. around you everything blooms. put your hands over carpathian and bless them! sanctify the fields. rivers and vines let them be sanctified! and make us fruit! reborn! and get us high!
* * *
to do only good things. beautiful. useful. to be glad of what you’ve been doing. like a child. like a baby who does his first steps on earth. first steps on a foreign planet. his world is totally new. his world is our old world. renewed. renewed through him. for him. do some light around you. a bit of light in the universe. and be glad of stellar harmony. like a baby who does his first steps on earth.
* * *
the earth that made us. and fire. and air. and water. who is our father and who is our mother? discover the things done so long ago. and things made in the present days. under our very eyes. and we can not see them. under our sun. and we do not know them. how much genesis and apocalypse in every moment! how many new things under the sun and how old are they! only the word… the eternity…. the one that gives shape.
* * *
there is always at least two ways of touching the subject of universal duo and only one bond between the two parts of the whole. like is the love between a man and a woman. like the word love embodied. the whole that is whole by being itself. that becomes eternal. with the parts presented in view. embraced. non-separated. bound by a living spirit that makes our life more beautiful.
* * *
in front of me: the earth globe: an old watch. a cup of coffee. a pack of cigarettes. a golden saint painting. a gold cross. a phone. some newspapers. and a lamp that enlightens everything. somewhere on the globe somebody is writing these lyrics. somebody reads them. somewhere on the globe. and somebody else is watching. me myself and i with the earth globe in my face stay somewhere on the globe.
* * *
i did not forget about you. not even for a second. no moment can be widowed by your presence. you sent me in the world and the world din not win over me. you chaliced upon me all that is good. and rain full of blessings. you charged me with deep human feelings. and you gave me romanian language: to live long in marriage. to live long…
* * *
now if i think it twice it does not seem hard to picture you in an unfinished world. how it starts or how it ends is another story that you claimed it publicly with charm. so i do not make coins with this theme. the thing number one that preoccupies me is now that the self sees itself after the face and resemblance that has inside.
* * *
the day lived fully. the week of love. the month of presents. the season of wisdom. gracious year. a lighted maze. time is simple. and in this simplicity the passer by forgets that he passes. a new calendar. a new agenda. and planning for the new life. simple. mysteriously simple. like hope flourishing for a second time. with time you understand time being strong. and love always winner.
* * *
i know you know who i am. but let me see who you are. after so many philosophical dissertations is hard to see you through the windows of my prayers. and again the thing itself. on wisdom mountain. the highest. you are. the strong. the truth. and you know it. i know that you know. that you are. and above all you are. master of all.
* * *
my house is a prayer with the windows toward the sky. how would i live otherwise? when the one who shares life lives in the attic and i stay still downfloor. i talk with him on the phone very often. i teleport through the rooms. and from the garden spring i take light. from light caresses. i live like this. and i have the deposit room full of goodies: bread and wine. and blessings.
* * *
we have in the mankind history deeds and happenings that no one denies. who lived mankind history to say: this was meant to happen? so as: so it was. and we believe it. about the beginnings we have fabulous information. who witnessed the beginning that can say: so it was? so as: so it was. and we believe it. and in our faith lies all our scientific knowledge.
* * *
about science we can say it does not resemble not even a bit with what we call conscience or knowledge. i have seen scientists without conscience and conscience present among knowledge people. but between scientists and knowledge people there is no resemblance. but the one who knows he does it independent from being a scientist. and the one who knows himself knows everything. he knows he does not know anything.
* * *
your birth: the birth of a new stellar world. in a fantastic design. with a lot of snow and christmas trees. decorated with the most expensive and beautiful gifts. your birth: the greatest gift. we receive it with joy howls and fireworks. with efluvial champagne. singing this wonderful news and the new light rising. with your birth we are reborn. we become eternal.
* * *
from here further we can start a new life. let us start it. a wonderful life. a real life. a true life. as you wish it. like the testament announces it. a new life in a new world. with the new man. for the new man. on a new land. and new skies. for us. and a new music guides our paces. on the new road. everything being new. new- newest. like a toddler. like a crystal. and perfect like a sphere.
* * *
it is like i get to be born again. it is like a new sun is on the rise. it is like now i get to see for the first time. i hear. i smell. and caress the shapes shaping. and taste miracles one at the time. but without you i will not be but the word. the word willing to be bodied. get me high! baptize me! help me be! to pass on clear skies in the calendar. with the forehead high. in the new world. with all hopes blooming. greatness to sanctity bringing.
* * *
day and night. light and darkness. heat and cold. man and woman. love and hate. plus and minus. good and bad. positive and negative. affirmative and negative. paradise and hell. wisdom and insanity. doing and undoing. skies and earth. the begining and the end. up and down. the big and the little. birth and rebirth. and resurrection: wisdom of the gods.
* * *
before all ages and after the ending of all ages. the world with a single human being. the superhuman. god. the god. the great loner. the almighty that does what he pleases. and that does provoke dissapearence to what needs to be gone. the great magician of the universe. the only master of it. before all ages and after the ending of time.
* * *
i was really thinking to choose a birth country. not the country that chose me. another one. higher. more richer. happier. wiser. to choose a kin. not the kin that chose me. other one. more worthy. stronger. more human. because there comes a time when you have to chose. and now the time is here. and my homeland is around me. my people - the ones that stand beside me.
* * *
i love you because i love you. because your name is wisdom. because your love has no death. i love you because i love you. because there is no reason for loving. because your love takes me high. i love you because i love you because i love you. because love moves stars and worlds. love binds. brings hard doings. immortalizes. i love you because i love you.
* * *
i wanted to say earlier that i am on the positive side. the light’s side. love’s side. you know what i mean. i agree to all good things that you do. and the others are serving good as well. as good as you know it. and i tremble at your mightiness. i wonder and get glad. with all my being i turn to you. and let my life flow. like a spring. toward highness.
* * *
it is so beautiful around. so much splendour. the sun rising from the sea. seagulls singing. fishermen working their craft in the far away distance. a gust of wind in the hair. a white wave standing at your feet. and sand like a golden sheet. can you tell in which summer did we meet beautifulness? who conquered heart’s kingdom and who prevailed sadness? imperial love! i receive you with all my soul. and become slave to your encounters.
* * *
it seems to me that all universe energy vibes in you. you are so unique. so strong. so big. and if i request from you to do something for me i am sure you will do. i shouldn’t even beg you. i shouldn’t even tell you. because you know what you want. for a long time. for a long time you know. you that know everything. you handle everything. and my great joy is to know that you.
* * *
i am glad you exist. god. how glad i am. and the whole kin is glad. i am glad i found you. that I can see you. in whole your greatness. and my homeland is very glad. homeland in which until now it was darkness. humiliation. hope in vain. in my homeland now flourishes hopes. the gladness grows. there is light. tender light lighting. in eternity. in word.
* * *
there are few the moments in which i existed truly. in exchange i lived very much and very intensely life. because death becomes challenged by living. like somebody very well used to tell. and if this is the way - this is the way - then alive i’ve never been. or alive i was only when i existed truly. few moments. but when you begin existing you stay alive. forever. and ever.
* * *
so much about the others: they want to live. as if they wanted to get born. they do not want to die. as if death would take into account their wish. as if life would hold on unto will and not word. they want to live. and they fight for it. fighting. killing. to live. and their life is uglier than death. the death which you experience gets you to everybodies life.
* * *
we do not talk about morality. although i would not like to think nearby what is human. but i do want to communicate directly with the god. the great. the greatest. the one. who’s name gives power to those who know it. one very day you will hear about me. everybody. one very day you will know me. everybody. this is the day. for which I was born. again. again. and again i speak about non-understandable things for you.
* * *
only you can understand what i tell. so many mysteries in the history of this moment. only you can unpack them. and if you speak about miracles only you can make them. so many miracles. like life. new life we live. totally different from their life. unimaginable different. the most expensive gift given to us. forever. because forever we will be. forever.
* * *
i am not stressed out by anybody or anything. from now on: NSEV. do not ask me. the meaning of these letters i can not tell. may somebody discover them if it is possible. they are a code. code for a new life. and i do not recommend to do as alexander. in vain do politicians try to save a country which god does not save. may god be with our people! with our country! in the country!
* * *
the one who requires gets what he wants. and he is not a beggar. beggars are the ones who request days for their lives. to enrich wealth. beggars are the ones requiring your vote. the ones who need you for themselves. they are many. many beggars. but the one who requests receives. and the one who asks for wisdom receives life. request wisdom darling. so as. to receive it’s entire wealth.
* * *
the one who searches finds. and we do not speak about gold seekers. pearls. earthy wealth. although you can find it easily. it is harder to find the meaning of life. the understanding. the happiness. but who looks finds. do not stop the search. do not stop searcher. search around you and understand. but more of all search within. there lays happiness.
* * *
if now i would knock at your door i am sure somebody would open. a maid in white with a silver crown on her head. or an old man rich in years. but nawab’s gates on earth are sealed. their heart likewise. they defend their territory. but lose easily their souls. that is why i will knock to other gates. and immediately it is opened. even if I knock to secret’s gates.
* * *
see? i have started a new life. but I speak of the old life. because just now i see it for what it is. now i understand it. it is like getting out of the swamp you see the others fighting it. dante wrote about this. but who appreciates his letters? and i have lost them. because in the big mud, among garbage and smells, i understood that they feel at home. and they keep on fighting for a way to get out. but they will not.
* * *
when you climb up to stars and lights. when you meet at every pace splendours. when you see no one is following you. although you are forthwalker and when you hear following you the crowd how it yells for help. do not stop. do not look back. they did not answer your call. why would you answer their call? mind your own way. mind your own business. you are the savior of all.
* * *
for thousands of years there’s been writings. but what it is written can not face the holy bible’s expectations. and they vanished. they write with the bible in front. it will be writings for thousands of years. but a millennium is a clock that fits in a chapter. whole time is a chapter from first holy book. why do i write? i write because writing leads you to the word that made the skies and earth.
* * *
we saw in our pilgrimage many churches. convents. castles. we saw columns. walls. splattered rocks and ruins. we saw grass rising over someday great citadels. and people coming to see the past and present of other people. but do not see their future. time and it’s job. i saw life being very long. life is strong. bright. unbeatable. and higher than the life we live.
* * *
if this way is crossed by your way stop at sarmisegetusa. try and hear the alarming sound of fight carriages and the peace between two battles. try to follow the beautiful girl if. or try holding the line in front of roman legions. with the shield risen up and forwarding sword. pace in the amphitheatre and wait. victory. victory belongs to those who see. not to those who fight.
* * *
thousand years passed by since power proved weakness. and yet a thousand years since i was in power. after a thousand years who will talk about great powers? take a look at the nothingness. man under man in most likeable forms. most unsuspected. and money that bows everybody. and time that bows everything. and you with your lordship that purifies and saves us.
* * *
and now we get to start truthfully treasures. it is a well done marathon. and a crowd of crowds that runs. i know that few will make it to the end. enchanted by the maiden’s charm and challenged by richness encountered many interrupt the travel. and petrify like little statues of wax. melted afterwards in the sacre fire. watch over your hearing and seeing! and like ulysses escape disappointments.
* * *
i always wonder why. why is it for you a thousand years like a day? and a day like a thousand years? why me? why do i have to see the unseen? why do i have to understand the non-understandable? why did you give me world’s life to live? and not my own life? why the bluest blue and not just green grass from home? why? why do i keep asking myself if the answer is you?
* * *
the children of the sun have reached maturity. they’ve grown up. they take after us. strong. beautiful. likewise us. on our childhood fields they run. on the adolescence mountains they hike up. fight. fight with their own shadows. likewise us. sun’s children. always winners. they fall in love. make love. make babies. sun’s babies. that grow. that grow sun’s babies. that grow.